| |
We will always suggest the best
route for you, so that you have the best equipment for your needs at the right
Depending on your current computer or your needs
- upgrading may be a poor investment.
| With the cost cutting measures the large named
manufactures are implementing to compete with
one another ... you may be getting what you pay for - a cheap
computer that will let you down. It may be time for you to look at the
advantages of a industry standard, custom computer. Plus you are never
forced into purchasing that bleeding edge Operating System - (What is the
added cost of upgrading your other software so that it is compatible with
the OS the big manufacturers forced you to buy)
| No, we don't globally recommend
everything IBM has to offer - The only thing we have found to be true to form
consistently is the commercial model of the IBM ThinkPad's. Still the
notebook/laptop that everyone else uses as a ruler to be measured by.... which
is why we partnered with them.
Email me for other
| Upgrades
| Computer service for off the shelf products
| If you want to save some money look at
some IBM Certified Used
Equipment.... Same IBM ThinkPad's but at a terrific savings and a
full warranty (also includes a satisfaction guarantee -see site for details.)
click on the link:
IBM Refurbished - IBM quality at affordable prices
Finally a place for quality refurbished ink and toner