News Letter

The following is a list of our News Letters,
with the most recent News Letters shown last.
Newsletter is a Adobe Acrobat PDF file - If you don't have
the Adobe Reader you can click on the link below to get
the latest reader from the Adobe site:
Date Of News Letters - After reading you
can Click your back button to return to our site.
In the interest of safe computing and to spread good
computing practices you may forward or utilize our
newsletter on your site as long as you keep the full
content and do not alter it in any way. Our email lists
are for the specific internal use of distributing
information to assist in safe and good computing practices
and will not be used for spamming or other distribution.
Disclaimer: CSIM, its affiliates and staff are not
responsible for misuse or misunderstanding of the
information or any bad thing that may befall you by using
anything we recommend or information you obtained in this
newsletter. All information is given as is and the reader
takes it upon themselves the responsibility for the
correct use of this information.

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Thanks Doug!!!