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Search Engine Submission
Traffic Building Services : If you want the best service on the web to
get your site listed on every search engine, get the highest ranking
possible or use bid rank, pop-under or regional advertising to generate
traffic to your site, we can help. We have partnered with a company that offers complete optimization
packages for serious webmasters and customers that need serious traffic coming
to their site. With over 40,000 clients worldwide, we have
a large track record of success. Don’t settle for less -- use the best
and see the results. |
 | Deluxe Search Engine Submission |
 | Search Engine Tune Up |
 | Premier Guaranteed Traffic Package |
 | Traffic Jam! Pop-Ups |
 | Regional Listing |
Where do people look when they are going to buy a home in a new city and need help?
Search Engines like Yahoo!, Google, MSN and AOL are the top destination for prospective out-of-state home buyers. 95% of all internet traffic for home purchases is generated through search engines.
Our Partners are the search engine experts and we know how to get your realty web site onto the search engines where people will see it. Let us help you get your realty website in the top listings on the search engines. For serious realtors, we can turn your website into a lead generating asset.
In all the services that they provide, Our Partner GUARANTEES you the top 3 placement on those major search engines for your site. That means people looking to move into a new community will see your name first when they start their search. A large majority of leads generated this way are people moving to a new area who don't know the community and do not have an agent to help. These people become life time clients.
All Packages Include the Following:
Top 3 Placement on Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Lycos, Infospace, AltaVista, Netscape for your website. (the number of areas you show up under is determined by the number of leads you want)
Monthly Site Submission to 1500 search engines--includes top 20 engines, even Yahoo! (save $300)
Search Engine Tune Up (Guaranteed to increase your general search engine rankings 25-50%)
Additional Listing in REALTOR specific Search Engines
Spam Protector (so you don't get flooded with email)
Monthly Reports on ranking, traffic and visitors for your site.
Packages start as low as $99.95/Mon